Wednesday, 28 July 2010

Dear Samson

I am really missing you.  It is chaos here. The little HERS have just woken up, and won't be down for a while so I am pouring it all out to you.  Hope you have got a cat iphone4 at Cayton Carr.
Where your bowl was there are now shoes carelessly dumped  frequently all day. 
THEY  don't wear them indoors like normal people. We keep ours on all day don't we Samson, and you never take yours off. Outside the back door where you spend evenings in contemplation looking at the stars, the bird tree and the mouse hole is a tangle of paraphernalia.

I liked getting ready your simple out of the pouch or box meals.  It required no thought whatsoever. I now have to think gluten free, additive free, and I don't mind , but my brain is often on another planet.

HE is stricken. HE is unable to walk. He has got arthritis in HIS knee and has to rest HIS leg all the time until the swelling goes down, which it hasn't , even though he is having frozen peas on it every hour. He is not allowed any pills as they would argue with his others, so he is grinning and bearing it. He has received laying on of hands for healing, so waiting for it to work. I am no  good at being a nurse as you know. Little HERS mother , our little HER is very good . You too would be a very soothing presence, so have a good time and  WISH YOU WERE HERE, love  MUM

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