Tuesday, 28 July 2009

I am a very happy cat

I am glad you have had the good sense to become a twitterer Benjamin. Did you get the useful Glossary of terms I sent you on HER facebook page. If not here it is againTWITTONARY. You will like this . SHE reminds you that this is not an exhaustive list. There is also the Twurch of England , which SHE thinks at the moment is better than the real thing. This is due in HER opinion to the failure of the real thing to get on with business of doing its job of getting ready to be a bride. At this rate it will be only a number of disappointed bridesmaids. If you dont understand this Benjamin, dont worry. SHE reads too many blogs that are good for her. You should see her list on Google Reader. Be assured , some are about Moths, one of HER favourites, some are about plants, besides the r.l.g.o.s ones.
How did you come to call yourself by such a soupy name? Please tell. Did you know that to some people the English smell of cabbage? You all smell of moisturiser to me. I wont have time to blog for a bit as I think I have to go to Cayton Carr again. I heard HIM on the phone booking me in.

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