He has a good concept of time and is always at the foot of the stairs in the morning.
He can judge distances .
Previous blogposts will demonstrate that Samson is well read and able to comment and criticise texts that have interested him. He has however shown no initiative in visiting libraries or accessing websites other than his own and his Twitter account-Fileysamson.This is disappointing as he does need to broaden his views.
He has learned all the features his surroundings ,is able to name paths and walkways and features. (Mount Compost Bin, Mount Wheelie Bin, Mount John Innes Bin, Greenhouse walk, Peaony Drive ,Car place and Snail and Frog bushes etc).
We are very pleased that Samson remembered events a year ago ;his first trip to Mrs Hairsines Vetinary Establishment, Cayton Carr Catteries and Harfield Grooming Parlour so that second visits had the benefit of previous experience.
Religious Knowledge
His renowned post Monasticism and Feline Devotions has earned him a Fellowship in the Filey Movement. He is waiting to be called the Blessed Samson when miracles are credited to him . He has no plans to convert to Roman Catisism , as he feels the broad church of Anglicatism is graced with his presence. He has plans to catch and unmask The Churchmouse whose popular blog is second only to his own.
Samson has shown a natural aptitude for this subject. He readily learned how to use a Mac operating system, loves Firefox, has his own Twitter account and knows that alt3 is hash # on the Mac keyboard. He needs to spend more time cleaning his screen and checking he has not left standby lights on during the human rest period.
He does not enjoy this subject, but tries to join in with the caterwauling choir when it occasionally sings outside the back door in the small hours.
Samson learned from Benjamin to hide when all mention of these subjects reach his furry ears.
School Clubs and Activities
Samson belongs to We got an Echium through the winter Facebook Group, I always run out of the room when the Dyson appears Club, More food please club and Scratch all who try to brush me Group.
Targets for the coming year
To leave the sitting room immediately Bedtime is announced
To refrain from using any but designated Lounging areas in communal indoor spaces .
Headmasters Comment
I am pleased that Samson has settled in so well and is making such good use of the excellent facilities and Education we provide.MMR
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