Thursday, 7 May 2009

Reighton Nursery and the Tooth Fairy cat

I sympathise with you Ben , honest I do. But at the moment I am having a little rest. I have been having a little rest all day today on the chair in the sitting room. The sun has been out and THEY have been acting appropriately. First THEY went to the Bottle Bank at Rudston. THEY like that one because SHE likes a drive over the Wolds. She likes the field of yellow , and the potholes and passing places, and ancient places with names like Argham and Bartindale, with nods to the Iron Age. Today SHE saw a hare.
After their sojourn at the Recycling place by the Gypsey Race (dry) at Rudston they enjoyed a trip to their favourite place. I made HER put a picture of it here for you. I know I would have liked it as plenty of Nepeta Cataria is there.

No , those are something else, Lazy Lizzies I think, and a rogue tray of Begonias. I digress, they made full use of the sun by doing lots of gardening. I stayed asleep in the sitting room. At four O,clock SHE made a noise to suggest I ought to get some fresh air so I obliged for an hour on the burning deck.
Fortunately THEY remembered to smooth down my rug for my return to the sitting room for 'Neighbours', and their important phonecall to you DEAR MASTER.
Now we have my suggestion, would you like me to come and Look after you. I can do soft food (pouches only) and would make sure you were warm and comfortable. I have been to that vet person myself for attention to teeth. It was really worth it, I have felt the benefit ever since, despite the huge bill. You will be so glad to have availed yourself of the services of what sounds like a very pleasant and efficient Tooth person. I have got my uniform ready , and can be with you to assist and soothe , just say the word.

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