Sunday, 11 April 2010

I wonder where dem boidies iz

I wonder where dem boidies iz?
My life has taken a turn for the better. Spring has sprung. I am poised, alert, and fit . SHE has started HER outdoor life again.  THEY are wearing threadbare clothes and aprons saying slogans that would embarrass a gardener in his world, doing tech speak and taking frequent  tea breaks in the sunny corner.  They do more mugs of tea than they do real GW stuff.
I watch them of course, and listen, its good to be out and about with them.I just love their tech speak.
Lets put the Echiums in front of the wall
Is it a pininana  or a wildpretti  
I think its a cross
What colour will fastuosum be
and 5'high
What about italicum
I just go and Google it on Images

Yes, they are moving the plants out of the greenhouse again. Good news , I can sit in there again and watch the boides. I give them a week.  HE will move plant pots all week.  He will annoy HER by tipping the dead ones in the wrong place.SHE will annoy HIM by insisting HE cleans the greenhouse out with Jeyes Fluid.  HE will dab it around a bit and say HE'S done it.  BUT I will be back on my Lounger, watching and waiting.

Then I might go out with them whilst they have another mug of tea, and read the Sunday Times, THEM I mean. I am wondering where dem boides iz?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My friend, I too have been keeping an eye on things.I cant find any nice lush grass to eat as she has had this orange thing out and it went up and down the pathetic grass she has been cultivating. Her next plan ,I believe is to empty my special garden drinking bowl ! I love lapping in it and get quite excited by all those little black wriggly things. What will she do with them?Something exciting is happening in the huge conifer tree but altho I like to watch, I refuse to jump on the fence and pursue it further.She plans to take me out in the car again. I wonder if its so they can shove that tablet in my mouth again? Do you spit yours out when she 's not looking ?Good isnt it! My coats a mess at the moment . Hows yours looking? xPheex