Friday, 15 October 2010


I do not even have to ask for it..........

It is always  there , fresh and clean every day.
No effort has gone into the supply of it by HIM and HER.  THEY just go to the tap and turn it on  and out comes the life giving stream. All THEY have to do is pay their bill for it.I realise that Yorkshire Water work very hard to produce the service THEY pay for.Nevertheless it would not be possible at all without the geography of this part of Yorkshire, England, Europe, the World. Filtered by the chalk seabed of millions of years of provision I have enjoyed the taste of this hard water for 2 years now.  It is delicious.

I am grateful.

And if you are too -remember to support Water Aid.

1 comment:

Yorkshire Water said...

Great to know that you appreciate all the hard work we put into supplying clean water and glad to see that your cat loves it too!

Check out the link on our blog to a rather entertaining short tour of a water treatment works